Born and raised in the jungles of Cazadero.


Today is my Friday!!!

For once, I have a few days off from work. It will be the first time that I have taken vacation time since my trip to Miami in 2005. Scary.

I am excited about resting and being able to create my own schedule, but I also have a small black raincloud floating over my head. Frank was fired from work, and has not called to at least let me know that he is alive and okay. It is hard for me not to worry, but I know that it is not my place any longer, and point blank - its not healthy.

I know just the thing to make me feel better - watching my favorite Christmas movie of all time - The Muppets Christmas Carol. I am sure my blues are nothing that Kermit can't cure.
Laur and I are meeting this evening to check out the Spiritual Center - it will be my first time there - well since it was Star Skate. Wish me luck!


Dear Deer

Yesterday, while I was taking my lunch break - I was outside sitting on a tree trunk, smoking a cigarette, when all of a sudden I see a deer being hunted down by a [off-leash] dog. The dog attached the deer, and broke it's leg. The owner finally got the dog under control by tying his belt around the dog's neck and hauling it off.
The deer tried to stand up, but because it's leg was broken, it tumbled down the hill hitting her head on many rocks on the way down. Once it landed, I walked over and rested the deers head in my lap and tried to calm it by petting it and her heartrate started to slow down a bit.
We called animal control. They came over to where the deer was, and shot it. Thats it. End of story, no more deer.


Sister Day

Sister Day Oct 2007 002, originally uploaded by cameliagp.

My sisters and I spent a day at the ocean on Sunday. It was wonderful! We went to Candy and Kites, but realized that it wasnt the same as it was when I was a little kid, and that they barely had any candy!!! In search of the rock candy of my childhood, we set out on foot to another candy shop down the lane, and found what I was looking for.

We enjoyed lunch, and conversation ... it was really really nice. Then we headed down to the beach to mellow and watch the sunset.

My 2 sisters had some beef about not spending enough time together, but the ocean has a way of helping you work things out - and did. We have reinstated Sunday as "family day"... now only if we can talk Momz into it.

Class of 1997 High School Reunion

Toddy T + Jess, originally uploaded by fever79.

Our 10 year reunion just took place, it was awesome!

I love this picture - Jesse and Todd, 2 men who can make you laugh at the drop of a dime and are for the most part in a continuously light hearted mood. You would be lucky to find yourself in the company of fellas like these.

The party was hosted at the Brewery in Sebastopol. I got the chance to catch up with some peeps I haven't seen in a really long time - Most Beautiful? Adrie; Most Changed? Cotton; Most hilarious dance moves? Trinity for sure - You shake it girl!!! ; and Most enjoyable would have to be Brenda, she had such a good energy about her that night!

The DJ was horrible! Nobody even really hit the dance floor, but the company was good and that is what mattered.

Long Strange Day

What a long strange day it has been - the weather outside is super gloomy - the first signs of fall are here. The leaves are all turning from green to gold and red. From my office window, when it is foggy, it feels as though you are trapped inside of a pillow. Like, surrounded on all sides. Time seems to move a little quicker then it does when it is sunny, most likely because I am not DYING to go outside.

I just finished the new site design for 5th Street Fitness Gym in Santa Rosa and sent it for review.

Still without a car, Camelia is going to pick me up after work. I really need a car! She is trying to get me to go to the gym with her... No!!! Its a little much! I quit coffee on Monday, and now you want me to step it up another notch? ugg. One thing at a time please.

My Miel

My Miel, originally uploaded by fever79.

So this morning I woke up bright and early to get my kitty Miel down to the Sonoma County Humane Society to get her fixed. There was a line down the street - total chaos, and we were much too late. I am wondering if this is a sign? Should she not be fixed? Is her destiny to give birth to other beautiful Miel's just like her?

Now at work, in pigtail braids, the weather is super overcast. My thoughts: here we go again. My neck is hurting and I am only 5 minutes behind the computer.