Born and raised in the jungles of Cazadero.


Sister Day

Sister Day Oct 2007 002, originally uploaded by cameliagp.

My sisters and I spent a day at the ocean on Sunday. It was wonderful! We went to Candy and Kites, but realized that it wasnt the same as it was when I was a little kid, and that they barely had any candy!!! In search of the rock candy of my childhood, we set out on foot to another candy shop down the lane, and found what I was looking for.

We enjoyed lunch, and conversation ... it was really really nice. Then we headed down to the beach to mellow and watch the sunset.

My 2 sisters had some beef about not spending enough time together, but the ocean has a way of helping you work things out - and did. We have reinstated Sunday as "family day"... now only if we can talk Momz into it.

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