Born and raised in the jungles of Cazadero.


Long Strange Day

What a long strange day it has been - the weather outside is super gloomy - the first signs of fall are here. The leaves are all turning from green to gold and red. From my office window, when it is foggy, it feels as though you are trapped inside of a pillow. Like, surrounded on all sides. Time seems to move a little quicker then it does when it is sunny, most likely because I am not DYING to go outside.

I just finished the new site design for 5th Street Fitness Gym in Santa Rosa and sent it for review.

Still without a car, Camelia is going to pick me up after work. I really need a car! She is trying to get me to go to the gym with her... No!!! Its a little much! I quit coffee on Monday, and now you want me to step it up another notch? ugg. One thing at a time please.

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