Born and raised in the jungles of Cazadero.


My Miel

My Miel, originally uploaded by fever79.

So this morning I woke up bright and early to get my kitty Miel down to the Sonoma County Humane Society to get her fixed. There was a line down the street - total chaos, and we were much too late. I am wondering if this is a sign? Should she not be fixed? Is her destiny to give birth to other beautiful Miel's just like her?

Now at work, in pigtail braids, the weather is super overcast. My thoughts: here we go again. My neck is hurting and I am only 5 minutes behind the computer.

1 comment:

webg1rl said...

She is just so cute. I bet she is already much bigger. We never got our cats fixed when I was little, and we had LOTS of cats all the time. What did you decide to do? My problem is it's too sad for me to take kittens away from their mommy. If I had a cat that had a litter, I would end up keeping every one! I know the mother cat probably doesn't care and is like, get these kids away from me!