Born and raised in the jungles of Cazadero.


Class of 1997 High School Reunion

Toddy T + Jess, originally uploaded by fever79.

Our 10 year reunion just took place, it was awesome!

I love this picture - Jesse and Todd, 2 men who can make you laugh at the drop of a dime and are for the most part in a continuously light hearted mood. You would be lucky to find yourself in the company of fellas like these.

The party was hosted at the Brewery in Sebastopol. I got the chance to catch up with some peeps I haven't seen in a really long time - Most Beautiful? Adrie; Most Changed? Cotton; Most hilarious dance moves? Trinity for sure - You shake it girl!!! ; and Most enjoyable would have to be Brenda, she had such a good energy about her that night!

The DJ was horrible! Nobody even really hit the dance floor, but the company was good and that is what mattered.

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