Born and raised in the jungles of Cazadero.


A fun filled Birthday day!

Vida's Two!

Woke up early to get ready for Vida's little birthday party still a little grumpy from the fight Ma and I had the night before. As I was driving there, there was a group of motorcycle riders who surrounded my car on Farmer's lane on my way out to the park. They were cool because they werent like your typical riders, they were more modern - my age. The party started at 10:30, but I got there at about 11 and spent a couple of hours hangin with the kids. They are all a lot of fun, Ailey and I caught tad-poles. She is very willful these days! I told her not to get her shoes dirty and she jumped right in the mud (lol I'm just happy she is ok with the dirt!)They BBQ'd hotdogs and stuff. Trevor and Ger looked good, and Vida had a great time, she is very curious and happy. Rylan was also in a happy mood, very content. Jessica and I sat on a blanked and took it all in - chatting about stuff. It was nice to see Trev's mom Terry too - got to catch up with her.

I left blasting my music - J Holiday at full volume. I had the sunroof open.

Emily's Birthday

Then I headed over to Emily's new place for her BDAY BBQ, they played volley ball for hours and Dylan was BBQing chicken.